Going green

One of Resilux’s main ambitions is to create sustainable PET solutions for a cleaner planet. As part of this we are introducing solar energy to some plants. Solar technologies convert sunlight into electrical energy which Resilux depends on.

Today, three solar projects have been approved: Patra (Greece), Lajkovac (Serbia) and Wetteren (Belgium). By the end of September, our first plant (Serbia) will be operational. The solar panels in Greece should come online in the coming weeks, and the Belgian ones should be operational in the beginning of 2023.

Key solar facts & figures

 WetterenPatras LajkovacTotal
2kW peak2,1595277513,437
3MWh production1,9007759173,592
4Tonnes CO2 avoided per year933717791,243
  1. Surface area of solar panels
  2. Maximum power generated in kW under ideal circumstances
  3. Quantity of electricity generated per hour (by a generator with capacity of 1 megawatt)
  4. By using these panels instead of buying electricity, we reduce CO2 emissions